Well, we did it again, we rode over the Coronado bridge at the start of a 25+ mile Bike the Bay bike ride. I was actually able to enjoy the view a little this year as I wasn’t stuck against the inside barrier sucking wind the whole time. it was much more fun and relaxing than last year. I have been riding back and forth to a friends house and either walking or biking for quite a few local errands recently. Today i rode to the post office to start the process for a passport ( so we can go to Whistler at some point in the future )and then grabbed some lunch before heading home.
on another note, I have started a gofundme for my little sister, she needs a little financial boost to get a car on the road after some unexpected setbacks. donate, or at least share if you have a mind to. and thank you very much for either one. http://www.gofundme.com/6y2ygntg
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