As she walked around the curve in the road, she slowed, dragging her feet through the gravel and dust. She could handle it, she thought, the note weighting down her backpack. How would they react? She knew if she could just explain […]
I hear the shuffle of steps below but can’t make out the quiet conversation. It is too late or maybe too early for visitors.I slip out my window and look over the porch rail, but it is too dark with the streetlights […]
She pulled against Mom’s hand as they walked down the street, eager to reach their destination. She had seen the sign as they drove by to setup their camp on the beach. The store had been there every year, but never open […]
You can barely see him on the other side of the glass, shoulders hunched over the bench, tools close at hand Each movement carefully planned as he selects a tool, and with hammer starts the pattern The children look on, wanting to […]
Friday Fictioneers 8-28-2020 He could see the flames dancing from the top of the hill but could not hear the crackle and pop of the fire. He was not sure if it was the house or the barn. He ran quickly, lungs […]
The Dare
Ages ago at Henebery, I bought this deck of cards, I decided today on my bday to open it up and draw a card. redrawing until I got something i had the ingredients on hand to make Funny story, I always have […]
So this year, actually in 5 short days, I will turn 50. With the Covid situation as it is, there will be no super soft birthday party with a magician and petting zoo, much to my chagrin I did however get fantastic […]
So we have now been stay at home/ work from home since March 16th We are still dealing with the kitchen flood, we took the opportunity to have some lights installed in our game room so those are done, and drywall repair […]
So, Monday, what can I say about Monday, here we are, working, trying to keep things as ‘normal’ as we can while leaving the house only when we must. Our roommate, Erin is using the game room table for work (most people […]