I hear the shuffle of steps below but can’t make out the quiet conversation. It is too late or maybe too early for visitors.
I slip out my window and look over the porch rail, but it is too dark with the streetlights shot out in the alley.
I’m not supposed to be out on the porch or have my window open at night, but it was hot and stuffy, my fan not working.
A crash and some shouts, then unnerving quiet.
I slip back inside.
As the sun comes up, I see the results of an ignored final notice.
Join me for some short story writing every Friday at Friday Fictioneers https://rochellewisoff.com/2020/09/16/18-september-2020/
It’s well done. Like you lived it.
Definitely triggered a memory from our first days in the big city 🙂
Rough neighbourhood
honestly it was 🙂 and this country bumpkin was NOT street wise at 15 LOL
Good title and yep, that’s how they do it. Such a brutal and realistic story, Tara Jo.
Reality strikes again. Good story.
It’s a brutal world for those living on the margins. Well told story.
Sounds like a place where it’s best to stay inside when it gets dark!