catching up on some laundry today and i washed a bunch of socks.. everyone knows that is the best way to end up with less socks as they disappear during the washer/dryer process. however today was a little different. as i reached in to grab the clothes from the dryer i found this in the last handful…

clearly there will not be any other socks of the 15 or so pairs i put in that load, the chance that there are any others left alone by the sock monster when he went to the trouble of leaving me a neatly sorted pair is pretty ridiculous.
Mary Shipman
You need to write this down, oh, you DID! 🙂
Mary Shipman
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Joyce Hampton Scaggs
? I don’t get it
Tara Jo
the matching socks came out together
Mary Worth
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Barbara Leonard
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Lorna Nash
That was rather nice of the sock monster! Lucky you.. 🙂
Lorna Nash
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Malane Drake
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Haley Elisha
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