Tara Rocks

Well, she does…

#marchphotoaday 3/7/2012 – Something You Wore

Day 7… Something You Wore

Well, growing up, we had everything we needed: food, clothes, shelter, and lots of love.  there were a lot of things we WANTED but that was harder to get.  Looking back I am thankful for the things we did have, even though back then i would have really loved just one name brand pair of jeans or sneakers 😛

I like to think I  have raised my daughter with the same ideals as she knows that if she needs something she has but to ask and it appears before her, but if she WANTS something, that too can be arranged, but is going to take a little more time, and probably some effort on her part.

So below you see that now as an adult i can indulge my wants a little more so i introduce to you my Converse Sneakers 😛  i love them, i wear them almost exclusively.  as  a matter of fact there is a pair missing here, that i wish i still had, they were so worn out that last year when i was back ‘home’ visiting family my aunt felt the need to shore up my poor grey lo-tops with camoflauge duct tape.  For Christmas my daughter bought me the black lo-tops to replace the poor little things and i finally a week or so after Christmas bid them adieu, much to my husbands delight.

My daughter also has a collection, including 3 or 4 pairs of various batman themed cons as well as a knee high pair that i covet 😛  these have all been purchased with her own money.  perhaps those will appear someday in another post 🙂