feb 23 is Chrysta’s birthday. she would be 47 this year. i would have called her and made fun of her for being older than me, just like i have every year on her birthday, probably since i was old enough to talk. i am not sure what i will do this year. i expect there will be a lot of crying, i will definitely eat some cake. but other than that i have no idea. oddly there is no manual for losing your sister (i did that on purpose Dannie) so i don’t know what to do on her birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas were easier i think because they are bigger than a single person, you have other traditions and people around you to take some of the missing away, there are pockets of sadness when you see or do something that triggers a memory, but then the rest of the poeple and traditions come in for a bit and move you on with the tide of the holiday.
but a birthday, a fucking birthday.. that is just about one person, a spotlight, right there on an empty chair. i don’t like empty chairs. i like chairs with people in them. with balloons tied to them and too many candles on their cake.
so if you have any helpful hints let me know.. if you don’t that is fine too, i don’t think there is any real answer anyway. i will muddle through, i am sure this isn’t the last time i will be a mess as i adjust to this void, but adjust i will.
thanks for listening 🙂
Joseph Shipman
Joseph Shipman liked this on Facebook.
Kate Cox
It’s my birthday and my night off so I will have toast in her memory! Hugs
Mary Shipman
<3 (((hugs)))
Elaine Trudeau
Elaine Trudeau
Elaine Trudeau liked this on Facebook.
Elaine Trudeau
Sandra Jean Moleca
big hug..
Angela Pogue Cavanaugh
Love you T
Dannie Shipman
Yeah :(hugs and shit now pass the tissues
Elaine Trudeau
(((Hugs))) for you too Dannie <3
Dannie Shipman
Thanks Elaine Trudeau 🙂
Elaine Trudeau
Love you guys! <3
Tara Jo Banks
Dannie, i warned you, you should have had tissues before you clicked through 🙂
Dannie Shipman
I know damnit I was under a pile of kids
Elaine Trudeau
Cuddle puddle lol
Dannie Shipman
I woke up this morning Kay and jay on one side Justin and Chris on the other Preston and a cat across my feet
Joanna Mackrell
Beth Fallon
Beth Fallon
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Carline Content
Carline Content liked this on Facebook.
Aisha Goggins
Aisha Goggins liked this on Facebook.
Dannie Shipman
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Mary Shipman
Mary Shipman liked this on Facebook.
Gina Shipman
Gina Shipman liked this on Facebook.
Angela Pogue Cavanaugh
Angela Pogue Cavanaugh liked this on Facebook.
Sandra Jean Moleca
Sandra Jean Moleca liked this on Facebook.
Shiela Paxson
Hearts are hurting for everyone who was close to her ..
Barbara Blanchette
Tara ,I feel your sadness. Cry… There is nothing wrong with that You will releases what’s held inside. After that, I want you to Celebrate Chrysta’s Birthday Day. You are filled so many Good Memories. Do you know her Favorite Cake, Dessert , Meal , Movie ,TV Show or Book? Plan a day another them .Celebrate her in a way that would make her happy …for you ! Towards the end of the day ..the three of you can let a balloon go with beautifuls thoughts of Chrysta <3