I have decided that rather than have a bunch of specific resolutions for the new year I would just have one more general one that I could work toward in different ways, so without further ado… my 2013 goal…


  • lose some weight
  • lift some weights
  • run a 5k in april and then some more later on, i am already registered for the Carlsbad 5000, bitches!
  • eat better
  • give up soda
  • cut back on sugar intake (this is separate from eating better because i am a candy addict)

So by doing these things all a little at a time i will be much healthier by the end of the year.

to start things off, as mentioned i am signed up for a 5k in april, i really want to do some of the theme races later this year as well, the zombie race that sort of thing.

i have not only joined a gym (planet fitness, because they also like purple), but i have gone 5 out of 7 days so far this year (go me!!)

i got instruction from a trainer so i have been doing both cardio and resistance training. i will touch base with him again in 2 weeks to see what is next.

the whole family is trying to do the paleo thing, we will see how that goes, i don’t mind the things you can eat on the diet, but i hate not being able to eat pasta and bread, even though when i am not on the paleo diet, i rarely eat those things… i am really just kind of obstinate 🙂

i am not going to bog down the blog with a bunch of diet and exercise posts, but will likely check in occasionally. i am joining a biggest loser competition with some friends here locally starting this Saturday morning, i am sure that will help motivate me as well.

and on that note, i return you to your regularly scheduled photo a day posts.

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