So…. Monday night was Amigurumi night… we gathered at Michelle’s house now that JaziCrafts has closed its doors. (don’t worry is still there)

we were working on Hedgehog part 2 having completed, well ok, mostly completed the homework assignment of ear & arm making 🙂

so there we were… talking about politics and current events and other very important things, when someone mentions that we should have taken pictures of the before hedgehog and the after hedgehog… and it just went down hill from there…

so with no further adieu, feast your eyes on the first public advertisement for our NEW business venture….

Feeling left out because you have no fur?

there is hope for everyone!
don't take their mockery any longer!
you will see improvement practically overnight!
take it from me, I'm not just a client.......



2 thoughts on “Amigurumi night!

  1. […] My daughter Tara wrote this and it is now showcased here So…. Monday night was Amigurumi night… we gathered at Michelle's house now that JaziCrafts has closed its doors. (don't worry is still there) we were working on Hedgehog part 2 having completed, well ok, mostly completed the homework assignment of ear & arm making so there we were… talking about politics and current events and other very important things, when someone mentions that we should have taken pictures of … Read More […]

  2. kathy sutton

    sounds like a hilarious time was had by all and love the little creatures too! good luck with your projects Ladies.

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