I will tell you something not a lot of people know… my big sister and I had a very very big fight a few years before she died
The bears are… JJ on the right, given to me by my husband on our first Valentine’s Day together, and JoJo on the left, given by me to him on our first Christmas together. 26 years ago this year. some books I […]
Hummingbirds were my maternal grandmothers favorite bird. i took these this afternoon and they always bring her to mind, she would have been 94 on feb 11, but she passed away in 2011. I am blessed to have so many hummingbirds at […]
Paper, Priceless Paper These used to be a common sight in a teenage girls backpack and notebook, i think now they are almost completely replaced by IMs and text messages. these are notes to and from my now husband when we were in […]
Happy Mothers Day to my mom, over at Oldentimes.wordpress.com. she raised me up, taught me right from wrong, then at some point had to cross her fingers she had done it all right and stand back and let me make my own […]
not very mind blowing, but nevertheless Looking Down… hmm maybe i should go back and do Stairs too… is that cheating? anyway… this is a photo looking down the stairs in my house and hanging there on the railing is a quilt, […]
There are a lot of people who make me happy, but one person has done it consistently for the last 20+ years… and i hope will continue to do so forever… we will be celebrating our 23rd wedding anniversary this fall and […]
I will confess that i did not take this picture, but it is one of my favorites of my grandma and grandpa. i am pretty sure my aunt took it. but really who can resist these smiles, we have lost my grandmother […]
Photo a Day Challenge