so i have this quilt i have been planning to make for 6 months or so… but just haven’t had the gumption to get the craft room straightened out and get started on it…


Enter Jazi Crafts and the Thursday night Sewing D!  i whipped up 2 – 9 patch blocks lickety split and then sat around making and listening to inappropriate jokes/comments and having a great time.  pictures will be forthcoming, but since it is a suprise-ish quilt i don’t want to give it away too early.  i still have a bunch of blocks to make and then get it all put together for quilting, but we are going to have another sewing night next week so perhaps i will get the fabric cut ahead of time for some power sewing.


and always, ALWAYS close the cover of your rotary cutter even if you are just quickly rearranging things on your table, or some other innocent thing, not really involving rotary cutters at all.. they WILL cut you and you WILL bleed a profuse amount… i am fine, it was a shallow cut, but it was so quick i didn’t even realize until the blood started.. so that is my safety report for the day

(0 days with no accidents)

1 Comment

  1. jazicrafts

    Such a wonderful time!! Next time will NEED to sew. HAHAHAHA

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