Tara Rocks

Well, she does…

i love yarning night…

good friends, funny stories (can you say Zippy, the Amish girl?)  and even a little bit of crocheting 🙂  the hat is coming along nicely…

i am using this pattern http://www.craftown.com/Crochet-Hat-Pattern–h–Checkered-Hat.html It is supposed to be an easy beginner pattern… but i found it to be less than easy to get started… when you work a round and then have to turn to go back the other direction for the next round… what do you do with the other color you aren’t actively crocheting with…. well, i will tell you, you hide it inside the stitches, but you might notice the pattern doesn’t point that out… maybe there is an easier way.. i would love to hear it if there is…

but anyway.. i got it sorted out, and with the extra yarn running through, it will be a nice warm hat to keep me warm in these frigid san diego winters…