Tara Rocks

Well, she does…

phone call from mom!!

Mom and Dad were camping this week with my aunt and uncle.  I have gotten a few updates via pictures and text over the last few days as usual.  this morning as i am driving home from dropping the husband off at work my cell rings, it is mom.  i grab it and put her on speaker phone.  they are curious why the barge traffic has stopped on the Mississippi and why a bridge/ferry are closed since sometime yesterday.  i let her know i am driving but will check when i get home.

i get home and start digging on the old interwebs and discover that about 10 miles upriver from them two barges/tugboats collided and there has been an oil spill on the river. so i call to tell them perhaps they should refrain from fishing and get off the water just in case.  i say that the spill occurred ‘last night’  but she is insistent that the barge traffic was stopped yesterday as well so that can’t be it.  after digging some more and reading another news post on it, i realize that the spill was Wed night not Thur night so i text her back to let her know that probably has been the problem all along, i just don’t know what day it is.

my phone help may not be in as big of demand now since i can’t get my news report days/dates right.. we will have to see.

HOWEVER, the big question in my mind since i hung up from that initial call was … why didn’t she ask my aunt who has a smartphone to look this up hahahaha

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